A Shot in the Dark – Flixwise Favorites


Tribute to the opening credits of A Shot in the Dark by Flixwise artiste Emma Guerard

Greetings, loyal reader. You now have the singular opportunity to hear me talk about a film I have loved for a long time, A Shot in the Dark. Host Lady P. and her co-producer Martin Kessler graciously allowed me to pitch the film for inclusion into the Flixwise Favorites list. Flixwise is a podcast which in regular episodes makes its way through the Sight and Sound top 250 films list. On the Favorites episodes, they set aside that venerable and canonical list and turn to other, perhaps more neglected or less critically praised films, and discuss whether they should be honored as Favorites by the podcast. Take a listen to my pitch on A Shot in the Dark  to see if Lady P. and Martin find one of my favorites a Favorite of the podcast.

What follows is an expanded and revised version of what I pitched on the podcast, summarizing my feelings about the film.

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